Are you single (again) and feeling unlucky in love?
Are you in a relationship but occasionally consider how to dispose of your partners body?
Don’t despair, help is at hand from the Queen of down-under.
Dr Sheryl is the no-nonsense, funny and wise best-selling author of ‘Get him to dump YOU’, ‘Don’t date, Aggravate’ and ‘A lovers guide to a successful toxic relationship’.
She is Australia’s most unorthodox but refreshingly honest relationship expert.
Her trademarked technique of ‘Getting Real from the start, to find yourself a keeper’ are demonstrated with consenting members of the audience. Its going to get very silly – think Blind Date meets Jeremy Kyle (minus the w**ker himself).
Suitable for singles, couples, throuples... how very Brighton.
Hilarious, interactive, compelling improvised comedy after Cilla Black's Blind Date. Inspired.
- Latest TV Brighton
Better than Neighbours and Home and Away put together.
- Sheryl's Life Magazine
, ★★★★★
Its like she is a gift from the Gods, and damn sexy too.
- Radio Fairdinkum
, ★★★★★