By Federica Purcaro (University of Brighton Press Placement) Brighton Fringe 2023 is returning this year...
Brighton Fringe 2023 takes place from May 5 to June 4 and is ready to present to Brighton and beyond more than 700 events tailored for everyone.
Brighton Fringe works closely with local and national organisations to offer bursaries and opportunities to participants to bring their work to life at Brighton Fringe.
Here are the bursary winners' theatre events of the 2023 season.
ANNA & MARINA, MAY 5, 6. £15 (Latest Music Bar)
A historic drama for today from the multi-award-winning creators of Festival shows such as The First Domino. Two rival poets meet for the first time just as their country is being invaded by the largest military force in world history. Will they unite to defend the Motherland from annihilation, even though it means supporting a regime that has banned their work and executed family members?
Bursary Winner: Lion's Bursary
THE A WORD, MAY 6. £16 (Latest Music Bar)
The A Word is not a typical portrayal of domestic abuse. The audience witnesses the subtle psychological manipulation, and the gradual erosion of Brooke's self-esteem & identity, as well as bears witness to her friend's attempts to pull her back from the brink. Through the power of theatre, it encourages us to question our own assumptions about relationships & encourages us to look more closely at how we react when we suspect something is not quite right.
Bursary Winner: Bird and Blend CommuniTEA
SHADOWS. (Brighton i360) MAY 7, 14, 21, 28 (The Rotunda Theatre: Bubble)
SHADOWS is a one-man show that addresses abuse, depression, suicide prevention and the mental health of individuals.This is a tour-ready play that had won several awards locally and internationally due to the messages it carries, as well as stellar performances from the actor.
Bursary Winner: Brighton & Hove Pride
Gabriella invites you to this extremely disappointing birthday party to witness and celebrate all things life, the crap that comes with it and the journey of a damaged soul growing up. There will be cake, party bags full of sadness, bad dance moves that make your spine shiver, a lot of crying in the mirror and a whole lot of trauma behind closed doors.
Bursary Winner: Encore Insure Bursary
BLUE BLOOD, MAY 15, 16, 17 £15 (Ironworks Studios)
Blue Blood is the extraordinary story of the scandalous adventures of outcast Gabriel Jones as he murders his way through the illustrious Gascoyne family on his way to claiming a dukedom and all it represents. An enthralling new play based on the classic novel that also inspired the beloved Ealing comedy Kind Hearts and Coronets.
Bursary Winner: Brighton & Hove Pride
SONS, MAY 18, 19. £13.50 (Caravanserai Brighton: Junk Poets)
An exploration of masculinity and men’s violence against women. When he finds out the mother of his son is in labour, John begins to panic. How do you raise a son in a world where men's bad behaviour is not only ignored but excused? As a second-generation Nigerian, John has been raised in a community where homophobia and archaic gender norms run rife. What do you do when everything you know about being a man doesn't equal being a good person?
Bursary Winner: Ironclad Creative Writing
Esther’s Revenge is an experiential play inspired by the true life events of Esther who was reported to have murdered her white lover in 1953. The sentence is death by Hanging. This very participatory play as devised explores themes around race, colonization, sexual abuse, violence against women, and political and social injustice. Esther takes us on a journey through time into the events leading up to the death of Mark.
Bursary Winner: Pebble Trust International Touring
30 & OUT, MAY 27, 28. £10 (The Actors - Theatre)
Join Kit in this hilarious, sexy and painful portrayal of what it means to start life all over again. Is it too late to be a lesbian? Does she need a cat and an undercut? Will coming out complete her? Using touching interviews, innovative projection and powerful storytelling, Sinclair takes us on a memorable journey about drawing your own blueprint, discovering your identity and losing yourself along the way.
Bursary Winner: Encore Insure Bursary
2145, JUNE 1, 2, 3, 4. £15 (The Lantern @ ACT)
2145 is a road trip to the future where no one knows who’s in control. It is Thelma and Louise meets Red Dwarf on the Stage.
Bursary Winner: Michael Graney
International award-winning pioneers, Signdance Collective, return to Brighton Fringe with their "creatively brilliant, inclusively cool street theatre" (AMI Awards & International audience feedback) performance Oriente Plus / Power Cut; a Caribbean Gothic story of diaspora, culture, family, and ancestors.
Bursary Winner: Legal & General
CAN I BE BORED NOW? JUNE 3, 4. £10 (Latest Music Bar)
Pebble Trust and Bird&BlendTeaCo bursary winning play 'Can I Be Bored Now? is a theatre piece in which through dialogues, music and movement, two performers lead the audience on a journey using a visual art installation with projected drawings on a screen.
Bursary Winner: Pebble Trust Young People / Bird and Blend CommuniTEA