Announcing our 2018 Bursary Winners
After a fantastic range of applications, we are pleased to announce the bursary winners for...
Last Thursday Brighton Fringe staff, participants, venue managers and supporters gathered at The Ledward Centre to kick off the Brighton Fringe 2023 season.
First up was Brighton Fringe CEO Julian Caddy who spoke about the financial challenges that Brighton Fringe is facing, much like the rest of the general public, before speaking of his excitement and hope for next year’s fringe.
The Brighton Fringe Venues & Companies Manager, Cameron Brown, presented an ‘everything you need to know about Brighton Fringe’ presentation, covering everything from registration and bursaries to settlements and awards.
Next, we heard from Brighton Fringe Marketing Manager Rhiannon Lingwood who spoke of the difficult decision the marketing department has had to make - to do away with the Brighton Fringe brochure for 2023 - and the need for fundraising to allow the Brighton Fringe app to return. In better news, she spoke of the significant financial investment made into the Brighton Fringe website and exciting plans for 2023 including a bigger focus on the festival's presence in the city.
We heard from Venue Managers across Brighton, Hove and beyond about their plans for 2023. Amy Macgregor of The Actors spoke of their returning theatre space (formerly The Malborough), Aniela Zab spoke of the potential for a new outdoor pop-up venue brought to Brighton by Caravanserai and Brighton Fringe, and Cliff Barnes spoke about The Caroline of Brunswick and their award-winning comedy programme.
If you are interested in starting your #JourneyIntoFringe with England's largest arts festival and not sure where to start, please email our friendly participant services team at [email protected]
Finally, we’d like to thank Billie, Sophie and The Ledward Centre volunteers for allowing us to use the space and for all their hospitality in welcoming the wider Brighton Fringe community to this event.