Brighton Fringe x Silicon Brighton: Enrichment Partnership
Brighton Fringe is delighted to announce that its Enrichment Partner for 2024 is Silicon Brighton....
Update 13 March 2020, 09:30
Further to the Government announcement on 12 March, the continued advice from public health professionals remains that events can operate without restrictions, so as things stand, Brighton Fringe plans remain in place for 2020. However this is a developing situation and our concern is the safety of all involved at the festival. Brighton Fringe is in regular correspondence with Brighton & Hove City Council, venues as well as other event and festival organisers in the city in the meantime and further public announcements will be made as the situation develops.
Brighton Fringe is a mass participatory event but it differs from, say, the Olympics or a football match in that it consists of many independent, small-scale events, often of less than 50 people. So, subject to continued professional advice supporting this, Brighton Fringe will take place and centrally we will be operating all usual services to support events. Furthermore, as we are an open-access event, the decision about whether or not to operate lies with the acts, venues, programmers and producers and not with Brighton Fringe centrally, although we are here for advice and support. Our overriding concern though is public safety and all due steps will be taken to mitigate the challenges that currently exist.
Any member of the public who is exhibiting a cold or flu symptoms, or who may have been in contact with others who have become infected should take steps to self isolate and call NHS111 if they are feeling unwell.