Henry VIII has returned to the land of the living to discover he is exclusively remembered as that bloke with six wives. So there was only one thing for it. Henry is clearing his name in a musical drag extravaganza!
Featuring parodies of songs by Meatloaf, Celine Dion and Ed Sheeran, this bonkers show explores the lesser known side of the famous Tudor king through singing, dancing and even some podcasting.
Written by Bristol based Drag King, Hannah Clift, EIGHT is a love letter to SIX The Musical, rock music of the 70s and 80s and to the queer art of Drag! Hannah can be found on Instagram and TikTok at @ _hannah_clift_
Her take on Henry VIII story with a mix of fun and laughter is not to be missed
- Oxford Pride
codpiece splittingly hilarious take on King Henry
- Brizzle Boyz
more historically accurate innuendo than you could shake a Year 8's Tudor collage book at