Aerial comedy and shenanigans by Collectif and then... Roll up Roll up to The Greatest Show on Earth! A homage to our traditions. Pyramids of pachyderms, lions and tigers and bears (oh my!) hundreds upon mundreds of acrobats flipping and flopping through the air before your very eyes... DISCLAIMER (some or all performers may not be available... ) but even if it’s a total no-show, never fear, we can still bring you the biggest & the best show in all the world, with a splash of participation, a smattering of poetry & a tongue in a cheek.
“Roll up! Roll up—The Circus is DEAD!—Lay a kiss upon its head—Turn a salto on its—grave—There is NOTHING left to save...” (actually there is something left to save, but NOTHING sounded dramatic and catchy).
Collectif and then... are a collective of artists who are are big & strong and have beaming smiles! Who opt for disgrace over grace, elephant over elegant and naughty over nice. Who are proud that reviewers have noted their 'ungainly' style.
I left with a big grin on my face and a trippy buzz – like stepping out of a drug-free rave.
- Time Out
lightness, wry humour, and splashes of circus glitter and fizz.
- The Circus Diaries