Watch previous Fringe Academy workshops about Finding Your Audience and How to Market Your Event.
You must use the correct version of the Brighton Fringe logo on all posters and flyers.
Please note: the Brighton Fringe 2015 textured paint-stroke logo is no longer in use. Read the Branding Guidelines below for more details.
Logo ZIP file contains: EPS / PNG files in purple & white. Branding PDF outlines logo usage and colour guidelines.
Please ensure you have read and understood flyering restrictions set by Brighton & Hove City Council before printing materials.
Brighton Fringe footers for posters and flyers are now available to download using the link below. Feel free to use the templates at the bottom of your flyers and posters.
The download contains .psd files which can be opened in Photoshop (free trials available). It also contains .pdf files which can be edited in various pdf/document editors, like Adobe Acrobat, (free trials available) or Sejda (free). We use to make QR codes for the Brighton Fringe website.
If you are using Canva or another online free software, you will need to use:
'Brighton Fringe Purple'
CMYK: 62 84 0 0
RGB: #7F3F98
Font: Din
Your footer should include: the Brighton Fringe logo, times, dates, location and prices of your event and performances.
Please note: If you edit your event title in Eventotron after your listing is live on the website, the URL will also change, please take this into account when making QR codes.
Ensure to update your footer to Fringe 2025's dates: 2 MAY - 1 JUNE
You can download our Press Release Template below.
You can access this year's Press List in the Press & Arts Industry section of your Eventotron registration.
Watch our Fringe Academy sessions for marketing tips and tricks.